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#1 Re: General » How will Epic be affected by Google's Manifest V3 API in 2023? » 2024-03-29 11:13:28

ITS GOOD IN 2024.My self Mohammed Yaseen a freelance digital marketing strategist in Malappuram, Kerala. I graduated from the University of Calicut with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and I also took a digital marketing course at Calicut digital academy. I have the necessary skills to help entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and brands enhance their online presence. As a digital marketing strategist in malappuram I can solve your Marketing problems through online channels like SEO, SEM, SMM, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and Web Design.

#2 Re: General » How will Epic be affected by Google's Manifest V3 API in 2023? » 2024-03-29 11:11:57

Here's some basic info on it: … h-in-2023/

Will Epic drop support for Manifest V3 Chrome extensions once this new change rolls out? Will Epic, being a chromium-based browser, switch to using the Manifest V3 API itself?
It seems like Epic Browser has been able to gracefully avoid privacy and ad-blocking issues that have threatened other browsers over the years, but it seems very possible that this new extension API will be a great equalizer that threatens ad blocking everywhere, including on Epic. As far as I'm aware, there's been no news from the Epic team on how they'll be dealing with the change, or if it will affect Epic at all, so I'm concerned for the future of Epic, privacy browsers, and online privacy in general

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